Problem of World

In this technology world, no such people are there who are facing the problem. Such as huge amount of nuclear energy produced, radioactive, atomic bombs. These are the collection of those problems.

Radio Activity

Shortly after the discovery of X-rays by Rontgen, Henry Becquerel became more interested in the study of different properties of X-rays. While performing an experiment on X-rays, he observed the photographic plate was affected although it was not exposed to any source of radiation. He later on found tat the traces on the photographic plate wrapped in the paper were due to the radiation emitted by wrapped Uranium salt placed near the photographic plate. He later on concluded that uranium emits a powerful radiation all the time even in the dark and this radiation affects the photographic plate like X-rays. This was an accidental discovery made by Becquerel in 1896.

Experimentally, it was found that the radiation could penetrate paper wrapped and thin silver foils. This radiation from uranium was first named 'Becquerel rays' after the name of Henry Becquerel. Later in 1898 Maurie Curie discovered two more elements, polonium and radium which emits radiation like uranium. The name Becquerel rays was then changed to radioactive rays and the phenomenon was called radioactivity.


(i) Natural Radioactivity: The radioactivity exhibited by element found in nature is called natural activity. The heavier elements found in the periodic table always show this type of radioactivity.
(ii) Artificial Radioactivity: The radioactivity included in an element by means of external agency is called artificial activity. The modern techique of artificial transmutation of elements have made it possible to produce artificial radioactivity in many other elements which is not heavier as in the natural radioactivity.

Natural RadioactivityArtificial Radioactivity

Production of Energy

Uranium and thorium are main radioactive elements. When the heavier nucleus of these radioactive elements split up into two parts, a huge amount of energy is produced. This is called nuclear fusion also, energy from the nucleus of a atom is produced due to the nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is of two types: Uncontrolled nuclear fission and Controlled nuclear fission. In the uncontrolled nuclear fission, huge amounts of energy is released in very short interval of time, resulting in a great explosion. This principle is used in atomic bombs. The atomic bomb is the destructive use of nuclear energy. During the Second World War, two atomic bombs were dropped on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the controlled nuclear fission, limited amount of energy is produced in the form of heat. This heat is used to produce steam to run turbines. The turbines drive the generator to produce the electricity. This is a peaceful use of the nuclear energy.
The most important use of the nuclear energy in the world is for generating electricity.

The demand for nuclear energy in developing countries is rapidly growing. Nuclear energy can be used in various sectors such as transport, communication, industry and domestic.



When substances are found or released in harmful amounts in the environment, it causes pollution. In other words, any change in the environment causing its deterioration is called pollution. Pollution is mainly caused by different activities of human beings. Refuse of all kinds, including human excrete and that of domestic animals, kitchen refuse and garbage are cause of pollution.So, pollution is generally defined as undesirable and excessive addition of substances in air, water or land altering adversely the normal quality of environment.

Or in broad sense" Pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemicals and biological characteristics of our air , land and water that may or will harmfully affect human life and that of desirable species, our industrial process, living condition and cultural assets, or that may or will waste or deteriorate our raw material resources'.

Types of Pollution

All these types which are listed bellow are created by three main developmental activities of human beings: industrialization, urbanization and motorization. So, their control is almost impossible in the present way of life and development but we can minimize it to a limit at which we can survive or feel comfortable. So. pollution can be classified broadly on the basis of medium. These are:
  1. Air Pollution
  2. Water Pollution
  3. Land/soil Pollution
  4. Noise Pollution
Air Pollution: Air is the most essential substance for all animals including human beings and plants. The normal composition of air is 78% of nitrogen, 20.93% of other gaseous matter. In the addition to these , air also contains water vapor and suspended matters such as dusts, bacterial etc. Air is said to be polluted when solid and harmful substances are accumulated in the atmosphere and such harmful substance are called air pollutants. These are two major types of pollutants.
  1. Gaseous Pollutant: These pollutants are in gaseous state like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide etc.
  2. Particulate Pollutant: These pollutants are in solid or liquid state like dust particle aerosols and fumes etc.
Water Pollution: The addition of substances to the water, which degrade the quality of water is called water pollution. Water is said to be polluted when it contains ineffective and parasitic agents, poisonous chemicals substances, industrial and other wastes or sewage. Sewage is human and animals waste. It is carrier of harmful bacteria that can cause sickness or even death. Industrial waste contains organic chemical, toxic agents and non- biodegradable substance materials. When fertilizers, insecticide or pesticides are used in large amounts for agricultural practices.So water pollution is also the main agents for the problem of human beings. Water is important for many proposes for human beings.

Land/Soil Pollution: Any change in soil condition is due to the addition or removal of some substance which makes the soil unfavorable for organism, is called land/soil pollution. Its is a problem of urban areas, Soil pollution is mainly caused due to the non- degradable solid wastes of industries and domestically used materials such as plastics, glasses, metallic items, building materials as well as pesticides used to control various pests in agriculture.There are mainly two types of sources for soil pollution and they are described below:
  1. Direct Source: So, direct source include domestic waste, industrial waste, agricultural practices, industrial waste and smelting & mining complexes.
  2. Indirect Source: So, indirect source include acid rain and the seepage of water pollutants into the soil.
Noise Pollution: The sounds, which produce an unpleasant effect on our ear, are called noise. It is unwanted sounds at a wrong time and at wrong places. Noise has become a part of our environment. The development of the steam engine, petrol diesel engine, jet engine and other complicated machinery in industry results in an increasingly noisy environment. Noise pollution is a state when the level of sound we hear exceeds the safe level. We measure the loudness of sound in the unit of decibel(dB). There are mainly three types of sources for noise pollution and they described below:
  1. Transport noise: So, transport noise include road traffic noise and aircraft noise.
  2. Industrial noise: So, industrial noise include steel plate, oxygen torch, textile loom, Circular band new paper poem, key press machine and so on.
  3. Community noise: So, community noise include loud T.V, radio sets, cassettes player, louder speaker and barking dogs.
So, these pollution are the factor which is the basic problem of world which should be solved by human beings...........,

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